ANIMALS & TREES have 'harvest' or 'feeding' limits. After 10 harvests of trees or 10 feedings of animals, they 'expire' and you need to re-purchase again. Once placed on your Frontier, if you hover your mouse over trees & animals, an information popup will display where you can see how many harvests/feedings are remaining.
ANIMALS - besides the ingredients each animal produces, they also produce ITEMS, EXPERIENCE and on occasion, a collections item too!
REMOVE ANIMALS FROM ENCLOSURE IF YOU ARE WORKING ON A GOAL WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO COLLECT MILK, WOOL, ETC. If they are in the enclosure, any items they produce WILL NOT count towards the goal.
Bear unlocks mine structure, extra land and gifts grass & brushwood (info link for Bear )
Cow - available level 12 & produces
- milk
- horns (produces around the 5th feeding)
Duck - produces
Goat - produces
Hen - available level 4 & produces
- duck eggs
- duck feathers (produces around the 5th feeding)
Goat - produces
- milk
- goat wool (produces around the 5th feeding)
Hen - available level 4 & produces
- eggs
- feathers (produces around the 5th feeding)
Husky - available to purchase for 60 GF Dollars & produces
- random Collection items
Sheep - available level 2 & produces
- wool
- fertilizer (produces around the 5th feeding)
Turkey - produces
- turkey eggs
- turkey feathers (produces around the 5th feeding)
**The following is 'tracking' of # of feedings until animal matures and produces additional items. THIS IS NOT YET COMPLETED as I lost track and want to confirm this a second time, but here is the base info for now (each animal should produce their base item (milk, egg, wool etc during the first initial the time you get to the 5th feeding, they produce secondary items such as feathers, goat wool, horns, fertilizer, etc)
HEN - It will cost you 3 corn for first feeding & wait for experience star. Once you click on and receive experience, you will begin the 5 'feedings'
1st feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg
2nd feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg
3rd feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg
4th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg
5th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg & 1 feather. Hen matures, turns brown & feeding is reset to 5
6th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg & 1 feather
7th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg & 1 feather
8th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg & 1 feather
9th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg & 1 feather
10th feeding costs 1 bird fodder & produces 1 egg & 1 feather AND HEN EXPIRES/DISAPPEARS. YOU NEED TO PURCHASE ANOTHER HEN
GOAT - It will cost you 5 grass for first feeding & wait for experience star. Once you click on and receive experience, you will begin the 5 'feedings'
1st feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
2nd feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
3rd feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
4th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
5th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
6th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & 1 goat wool. Goat matures turning from white to brown. Feeding reset to 4 more
7th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & 1 goat wool
8th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & 1 goat wool
9th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & 1 goat wool
10th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & 1 goal wool
COW - It will cost you 5 grass for first feeding & wait for experience star. Once you click on and receive experience, you will begin the 5 'feedings'
1st feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
2nd feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
3rd feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
4th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk
5th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & horn. Cow matures and turns from brown/white to black/white
6th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & horn
7th feeding costs 1 hay & produces 1 milk & horn
Beans - available level 15
Cabbage - available level 20
Corn - available Level 1
Cotton - available Level 3
Potatoes - available Level 10
Potatoes - available Level 10
Wheat - available Level 1
TREES **Trees/bushes will provide you with additional items at the end of 10 regular harvests. If you wish to relocate them to a different location on your frontier for whatever reason, you need to MOVE them BEFORE your 10th harvest. Once they convert after the 10th harvest, they will not be able to be moved until you have claimed the converted items they then produce.
Apple tree - costs 100 coins. Harvest time is 3 minutes
Coffee tree - costs 300 coins. Harvest time is 2 hours. After harvesting 10 times, your tree with turn into a bush and you can claim 5 brushwood.
Orange tree - cost is 350 coins. Harvest time is 30 minutes.
Pear tree - costs 200 coins. Harvest time is 15 minutes
Orange tree - cost is 350 coins. Harvest time is 30 minutes.
Pear tree - costs 200 coins. Harvest time is 15 minutes
Plum tree - costs 300 coins. Harvest time is 20 minutes
Raspberry bush - costs 250 coins. Harvest time is 15 minutes.
Raspberry bush - costs 250 coins. Harvest time is 15 minutes.